

◆グローバル人材育成教育学会  第9回全国大会・第2回国際遠隔会議◆




大会委員長     関西支部長 服部圭子(近畿大学)
大会実行委員長 中部支部長 田中忠芳(金沢工業大学)
大会副実行委員長    関東支部長 加藤俊一(中央大学)
中国・四国支部長 大膳司(広島大学)
国際交流委員会担当理事 アーナンダ・クマーラ(LNBTI・名城大学)
専門部会長・教育連携部会 奥山則和(桐蔭学園)





日経メディアマーケティング、一般社団法人 Global8
一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会(IIBC)


■第1日目 3月12日(土)

13:00 開会の挨拶    小野博(本学会理事長)

13:15 主管校挨拶    濱名篤氏(関西国際大学学長)

13:20 特別講演 「関西経済界における国際化の取り組み」


14:20 関東支部企画:モデレーター: 加藤俊一(中央大学・関東支部長) 


「技術」で世界とつながる 矢野絵美氏(リコーITソリューションズ株式会社、IEEE, Women In Engineering)

「感性」で世界とつながる 李昇姫氏(筑波大学人間総合科学研究科)

「サンゴ礁」で世界とつながる 山崎敦子氏(九州大学理学研究院)

「キャリア」で世界とつながる 行木陽子氏(中央大学商学部)

14:20 教育連携部会企画 

 スピーチ・Show &Tell(複言語)「中高生・大学生による、スマホ時代




17:00 閉会


■第2日目 3月13日(日)

10:00共管校挨拶    矢野裕俊氏(武庫川女子大学教育学部長)

10:10 招待講演(使用言語:英語)



11:15-12:25, 13:40-15:20 一般演題発表

12:25-13:40 学生研究発表(ポスター)・昼休み

13:00-13:35 総会・学会賞授賞式

15:35 中部支部企画(使用言語:英語&日本語)

Part Ⅰ コーディネイター:小野博(本学会理事長)


   挨拶         在スリランカ日本大使館 参事官

              駐日スリランカ大使館 前副大使



Part Ⅱ モデレーター:アーナンダ・クマーラ

「スリランカの高校における日本語教育担当教員からの現状報告と日本への期待」Anju Hevage(Ananda College)

「スリランカの日本語教育の現状と課題」Dr. Dilrukshi Rathnayake(Kelaniya University)



16:10 関西支部、中国・四国支部企画

        モデレーター: 服部圭子(近畿大学)

    コメンテーター:大膳司 (広島大学)





15:50 閉会の挨拶 勝又美智雄(本学会会長)



 こちらから3月8日(火)までにお申し込みください。⇒ https://forms.gle/dKjkkfmqvWVVf2yMA


・全国大会に関するご質問は、お問い合わせ | グローバル人材育成教育学会 (j-agce.org)にお寄せください。




The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE)

The 9th National Conference and 2nd International WEB Conference

(4th Announcement)

Conference Theme: A New Era of Global Human Resource Development: Learning and Education from Experiential Knowledge

The 9th National Conference of The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE) was planned to provide a forum for reflecting on the hardships experienced during the Corona pandemic, the sharing of challenges faced and learned from this experience, and the resulting development of various initiatives.


The keynote speeches and invited lectures will present the internationalization efforts of corporations and the use of online services in the new era, indicating the future direction of global human resources development and education. One of the features of this conference is that it is co-hosted by the Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku and Shikoku Chapters of the JAGCE.


The JAGCE chapters will present a rich program including presentations from individuals with diverse backgrounds active in the global society, an international education initiative in collaboration with Sri Lanka, and the development of practical education and educators for the new era. 


In addition, a project by the SIG on Educational Interworking will engage junior/senior high school and university students in live online international exchange through speeches and exchanges of opinions.


We hope that this conference will provide you with an opportunity to think about new global human resources development education into the future, and we look forward to your active participation.


Conference Committee President

Kansai Chapter President: Keiko Hattori (Kindai University)


Conference Executive Committee President

Chubu Chapter President: Tadayoshi Tanaka (Kanazawa University of Technology)


Conference Executive Committee Vice-president

Kanto Chapter President: Toshikazu Kato (Chuo University)


Chubu & Shikoku Chapters President: Tsukasa Daizen (Hiroshima University)


 International Exchange Committee Director

Ananda Kumara (LNBTI & Meijo University)


SIG on Educational Interworking Chairman

Norikazu Okuyama (Toin Gakuen)


Dates and Venues: 

2022 March 12 (Sat). Kansai University of International Studies: Amagasaki Campus

2022 March 13 (Sun). Mukogawa Women’s University: Central Campus


Delivery Format: Hyflex: “Face-to-Face” and “Remote Delivery”.

NB: An announcement will be made if the delivery format changes due to the infection situation.

Sponsors: Asahi Press Inc.; ALC Press Inc.; NTS Inc.; Nikkei Media Marketing, Inc.; Global Eight Institute (General Incorporated Association); The Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC) [General Incorporated Association]

Conference Program

Day 1: March 12 (Sat)

13:00:  Opening Remarks  Hiroshi Ono, Chief Director of the JAGCE


13:15:  Greetings from the Host Institution  Atsushi Hamana, Ph.D. (President, Kansai University of International Studies)


13:20  Special Lecture 

Internationalization efforts in the Kansai economic community

Ms. Kyoko Ikoma (Executive Secretary, Kansai Association of Corporate Executives)


14:20  Kanto Chapter Project (Language: Japanese)

Moderator: Shunichi Kato (Chuo University; President of JAGCE Kanto Branch)


Panel Talk: Competencies Required for Global Learning and Work in an Age of Diversity


Connecting with the world through “technology”

Ms. Emi Yano (Ricoh IT Solutions Co., Ltd., IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering)


Connecting the world with global Kansei

Dr. Seung Hee Lee (University of Tsukuba)


Connecting with the world through “coral reefs”

Professor Atsuko Yamazaki (Kyushu University)

Connecting with the world through “career”

Professor Yoko Nameki (Chuo University)


14:20  Project by the SIG on Educational Interworking: 

Speech and Show & Tell (Multilingual)


Global Interactions among Junior High, Senior High and University Students in the Generation of Smartphones


17:00  Close of day’s program



Day 2: March 13 (Sun)

10:00  Greetings from Co-hosting Institution  Hirotoshi Yano Ph.D. (Dean of School of Education, Mukogawa Women’s University)

10:10  Invited Lecture (Language: English)

Reflecting on online teaching in the pandemic and looking forward

Mark Donnellan (Kwansei Gakuin University)


11:15-12:25, 13:40-15:20    General presentations

12:25-13:40 (Lunch Break)  Student research presentations (posters) 

13:00-13:35                        General Meeting and Conference Awards Ceremony


15:35~17:45      Chubu Chapter Project (Language: English & Japanese)

Part I Coordinator: Professor Hiroshi Ono (Director General, JAGCE)



Collaboration between Japan and Sri Lanka on Global Human Resource Development


Greetings:         Counselor, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka

             Former Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of Sri Lanka in Japan



Lessons from the LNBTI, the first Japanese higher education institute in Sri Lanka

             Professor Ananda Kumara (Vice-president, JAGCE)

Part Ⅱ  Moderator: Professor Ananda Kumara


Japanese language teaching in high schools in Sri Lanka 

Anju Hevage (Ananda College)


Japanese language education in Sri Lanka universities: Current situation and issues

Dr. Dilrukshi Rathnayake (Kelaniya University)


Current status and issues related to Japanese language education in Sri Lankan high schools: A practical report on a training course for Japanese language teachers

Dr.Natsuko Ikeda (Meijo University)


Implementing a special lecture for Sri Lankan teachers of science and mathematics

Professor Tadayoshi Tanaka (Kanazawa Institute of Technology)


16:10  Kansai Chapter, Chugoku/Shikoku Chapters Project (Language: Japanese)

Moderator: Keiko Hattori (Kinki University)

Commentator: Tsukasa Daizen (Hiroshima University)


Panel Talk: Message for a New Era: Educational Practice and the Development of Leaders


An attempt to develop global human resources through the promotion of internationalization through the cooperation of high schools and universities in the corona pandemic

Professor Manabu Sumida (Ehime University, Faculty of Education)


Fostering teachers with global competency: Practices and problems in the International Education Course of the Department of Education at Mukogawa Women’s University

Professor Toshio Hidaka (Mukogawa Women’s University, Faculty of Education)


Teacher training for global human resource development

Professor Hiromi Murakami (Kansai Gaidai College)


17:50  Closing Remarks Professor Michio Katsumata (President, JAGCE)



 Please register here by March 8 (Tues), 2022.


The Proceedings will be sent as an email attachment in PDF format on Wednesday, March 9.


l  If you have any questions about the conference, please contact us at

お問い合わせ | グローバル人材育成教育学会 (j-agce.org)


The 9th National Conference Executive Committee

The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE)