第10回全国大会・第3回国際遠隔会議 (第5報)




The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE)

The 10th National Conference and 3rd International WEB Conference

(5th Announcement)



Presented in hybrid format (face-to-face; online synchronous; on-demand asynchronous)



【大会テーマ】 VUCA(混迷する)時代のグローバルインターフェイスを考える

Theme: Considering a global interface in the VUCA era

【日時】2022年10月21日(金)~23 日(日) 

Date:  October 21st, Friday – October 23rd, Sunday

【場所】学校法人河原学園 人間環境大学・総合心理学部 松山道後キャンパス

Venue:   Kawahara Gakuen Educational Institution, University of Human Environments,
School of Psychological Sciences. Matsuyama Dogo Campus



Conference Program



Day 1: October 21(Fri)

15:00-19:00  グローバル企業「株式会社アテックス」見学ツアー&情報交換会①「瀬戸内料理


Global Industry Tour (Atex Co., Ltd.) & Information exchange. Setouchi cuisine (Kinbei)

at the Dogo hot springs. 

15:00 松山市駅集合、参加定員:20名 参加費:5,000円

Meeting place & time: Matsuyama City Station at 15;00. Participants:20 pax Participation fee:5,000 yen per head.



Day 2: October 22(Sat)

10:00-10:15 開会式

 Opening Ceremony


JAGCE President Address:Ananda Kumara, (Lanka Nippon Biztech Institute President・Professor Emeritus, Meijo University)


Host Institution Representative Address: Seiki Kawahara, (President, Kawahara Gakuen Educational Institution)




Special Conference Program: “Applying Learning in Japan to the Development of Developing Countries: The Case of Sri Lanka”: Language: Japanese


Ananda Kumara (JAGCE President)



General Presentations

[A] 鈴木武生(早稲田大学)「雇用側日系メーカーとインド籍社員の間の異文化的認識ギャップに関する考察-予備調査報告事例から」

 Suzuki Takeo (Waseda University) “A Study on the Cross-Cultural Perception Gap between Japanese

 Employers and Indian Nationals: Case Study of a Preliminary Survey Report”


西原明希(北星学園大学)「マレーシア企業との協働イベント「Global Fireside Chat」-異文化間  チームビルディングの教育的意義-」

Nishihara Aki (Hokusei Gakuen University) “Collaboration with Malaysian Industries (Global

Fireside Chat): The Intercultural Educational Significance of Team Building”



Iwashita Yasuko (Hiroshima Bunkyo University) “A Study of the Career Development of Vietnamese   

Technical Intern Trainees”


[B] 大西好宣(千葉大学)「学生による留学支援専門員への評価と今後の能力開発のあり方」

     Onishi Yoshinobu (Chiba University) “Students' Evaluation of Study Abroad Support Specialists

and Future Capacity Building”



    Sasaki Yuki (Saga University) “Beyond Corona: Learning from the Resilience of International Students Who Overcame the Immigration Ban”


田北冬子(広島大学 森戸国際高等教育学院)・上杉裕子(叡啓大学)「A Case Study: Cultivating Global Mindset through a “Cross-Cultural Negotiation Course” using an Online Negotiation Exercise」

Fukuyo Takita (Hiroshima University: Morito Institute of Global Higher Education)/Uesugi Yuko

(Eikei University of Hiroshima) “A Case Study: Cultivating Global Mindset through a “Cross-Cultural

Negotiation Course” using an Online Negotiation Exercise”


[C] 田中忠芳(金沢工業大学)「グローバルコンピテンシーと数物系科学教育」

Tanaka Tadayoshi (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) “Global Competency and Mathematical and Physical Sciences Education”



Ichikawa Akiko (Hitotsubashi University Graduate School)” Trial of Creating Picture/Illustration Materials to Nurture the Imagination of Children with Foreign Connections: Collaboration with Art Students, Teachers, and Linguists”



Hatanaka Midori (Osaka Gakuin University) “Collaboration with Partner Universities to Improve Cross-cultural Understanding”


[D] 斎藤裕紀恵(中央大学)「グローバル人材育成の一環としての大学での外国語講座の運営」

Sato Yukie (Chuo University) “Management of Foreign Language Courses at Universities as Part of Global Human Resources Development”



Mimaki Junko (Meijo Univeristy) “The Possibility of Dialogue in Global Human Resource Development: A Study from the Practice of the "Overview of International Cooperation" Lecture at Sophia University”


竹之内修(十文字学園女子大学)「コミュニケーション演習科目 オンラインでもリアルな双方向・少人数毎日英語コミュニケーション授業の運営方法」

Takenouchi Osamu (Jumonji University) “The Operation of Daily, Small Size, Online or Real Time, Interactive English Communicative Classes”


[E] 太田絵里・村上理映・渡辺玄・小林郁夫・松崎由理・Yakup Bektas(東京工業大学)「伝統技術を題材にした新しい国際教育の形:留学生と日本人学生の協働による国際共修の効果」

Ota Eri, Murakami Rie, Watanabe Takashi, Kobayashi Equo, Matsuzaki Yuri, Yakup Bektas (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “A New Form of International Education Using Traditional Technology: Effects of International Co-education through Collaboration between International Students and Japanese Students”


村上理映・太田 絵里(東京工業大学)「学士課程1年生向けオンラインPBLの実態と教育効果 (理工系学生の事例)」

Murakami Rie, Ota Eri (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “Realities and Educational Effects of Online

PBL for First-year Undergraduate Students: Case Study of Science & Engineering Students”



Nakamura Mako, Hiromasa Yasuaki, Kita Hiroko (Kyushu University Graduate School of Agricultural

Research) “The Effects of DX in the Construction of the Kyushu University Global Gateway”


12:00-13:00昼食, 理事会開催,

Lunch, Board of Directors Meeting



Poster Session

[A] 山田貴将 (南山大学) 「オンライン短期留学プログラムの参加学生の成長変化を可視化する ―レゴ®シリアスプレイ®メソッドを用いて」

Yamada Takamasa (Nanzan University) “Visualizing Growth Changes in Students Participating in an Online Short-Term Study Abroad Program - Using the LEGO® Serious Play® Method”


[B] 内田富男 (明星大学)・アーナンダ・クマーラ(LNBI)「珊瑚島における国際食農支援に関する萌芽的研究(喜界島でセイロン瓜を育ててみませんか)」

Uchida Tomio (Meisei University), Ananda Kumara (LNBI) “Budding Research on International Food and Agriculture Assistance in Coral Islands (Let's Grow Ceylon Melon in Kikaijima)”


[C] 市川章子 (一橋大学大学院)「コロナ禍の中国帰国者交流会の存続プロセスの研究:TEAとIPAの比較から」

Ichikawa Akiko (Hitotsubashi University Graduate School) “A Study of the Survival Process of the Corona Disaster Chinese Returnee Exchange: A Comparison of TEA and IPA”


[D] 松下健 (北陸学院大学)「A Research on remote counseling educational content suitable for the VUCA era.」

Matsushita Takeshi (Hokuriku Gakuin University) “A Research on Remote Counseling Educational Content Suitable for the VUCA Era.”


[E] 中村 浩史 (産業能率大学)「グローバル人材育成としても活用されてきた「コネクティブ・リーダーシップ」の考え方を日本における人材育成の中で活用していく可能性についての検討 ~日本企業向け人材育成に携わってきた立場から見えることを通して~」

Nakamura Hiroshi (Sanno University) “Considering the Possibility of Utilizing the Concept of "Connective Leadership," as utilized in Global Human Resource Development in Japanese Human Resource Development: Observations from the Perspective of Human Resource Development in Japanese Industries”


13:00-13:15 賛助会員によるプレゼンテーション

Supporting Companies Presentations


13:30-14:30 特別招待講演

          Specially Invited Lecture




“How Japanese Soccer Became World-Class - The Key to Global Human Resource Development”

Takeshi Okada (Imabari Corporation. Yume Sports) Chairman and Representative Director

  Interviewer: Kosaku Orokuno (JAGCE Chairman of the Board, President of Meiji University)


14:45-15:00 賛助会員によるプレゼンテーション

Supporting Companies Presentations


15:00-16:30 教育連携部会企画「私たちが考える安心・安全とは」(使用言語:日本語&英語)海外・日本の生徒学生たちによるディスカッション

Project by the SIG on Educational Interworking” What we Consider to be Safe and Secure” Discussion by overseas and Japanese student. (Languages used: Japanese & English)


16:30-18:00 国際交流委員会企画「グローカル・コンピテンシー教育の視点~現在と未来~」


Global Collaboration Committee : Panel Discussion

“Perspectives on Glocal Competency Education - Present and Future” (Language: English)

司会    :園部ニコル(西九州大学)

パネリスト1:  上杉裕子(叡啓大学)

パネリスト2: アリアン・ヴァン・ハルセル (フォンティス国際ビジネス校)(オランダ)

パネリスト3: レナタ・カビキ・ピネイル (ペロタス連邦大学)(ブラジル)


Moderator: Ms. Nicole Sonobe (Nishikyushu University) (Japan)
Panelists:    Dr. Yuko Uesugi (Eikei University of Hiroshima) (Japan)
        Ms. Arian van Hulsel (Fontys International Business School) (The Netherlands)
        Dr. Renata Kabke Pinheiro (Federal University of Pelotas) (Brazil)
Final Remarks: Dr. Ananda Kumara (Lanka Nippon BizTech Institute) (Sri Lanka)



Symposium「Activities of the JAGCE’s Six Branches - Past and Future」(Language:Japanese)

司会者  中国四国支部長   大膳司(広島大学)

登壇者 北海道支部長   竹内 典彦(北海道情報大学)

関東支部長    加藤 俊一(中央大学)

中部支部長    田中 忠芳(金沢工業大学)

関西支部長    日高俊夫(武庫川女子大学)

九州支部長    青柳達也(佐賀女子短期大学)

Moderator: Tsukasa Daizen (Chugoku/Shikoku President, Hiroshima University)

Speakers:  Takeuchi Norihiko (Hokkaido Branch President, Hokkaido Information University)

       Kato Shunichi (Kanto Branch President, Chuo University)

       Tanaka Tadayoshi (Chubu Branch President, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

       Hidaka Toshio (Kansai Branch President, Mukogawa Women's University)

       Aoyagi Tatsuya (Kyushu Branch President, Saga Women's Junior College)


18:45-20:30情報交換会②「地産地消『リジェール松山』」参加定員:80名 参加費:6,000円

 Information Exchange Meet② (Local food [Riziere Matsuyama]) Participants: 80 Pax Participation Fee:6,000 yen



Day 3 October 23 (Sun)

9:00-10:00 大六野耕作先生外務大臣表彰受賞講演会



Dairokuno Kosaku’s Foreign Minister's Commendation Lecture

“Action is Easier than Worry: My 10-year Journey of Internationalizing Education”

Dairokuno Kosaku (Meiji University President/JAGCE Chairman of the Board)


9:00-10:30  General Presentations

[F] 井上省吾・谷川夏菜子・眞鍋志野・石原優人・南野敏男・角屋志帆(鳴門教育大学大学院)、日下智志(鳴門教育大学)

    Inoue Shogo, Tanigawa Kanako, Manabe Shino, Ishihara Yuto, Kadoya Shiho (Naruto University of Education Graduate School); Kusaka Satoshi (Naruto University of Education)
“A Study on 
‘Transformation of Self as a Global Human Resource’ through Autoethnography -Based on the Experience of Continuous Participation in an Online Research Exchange Program with Indonesia”



Toyomoto Yo, Tokuda Toshiki, Suzuki Taiga, Munakata Kotarou, Saito Ayato “(Tokyo Institute of Technology: Faculty Students), Murakami Rie (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   “Development of Agricultural Equipment and Products for the Sustainability of the Cinnamon Industry”


  山西敏博(長野大学)「【童謡】に隠された戦争の影 -戦中・戦後における「童謡」への印象の推移-」

    Yamanishi Toshihiro (Nagano University) “The Shadow of War Hidden in Children's Songs: The Transition of Impressions of Children's Songs during and after World War II


[G] 服部孝彦(大妻女子大学)「多様性を認め、受容するグローバル人材育成教育: RFCDCのAttitudesとValuesの育成を中心に」

Hattori Takahiko (Otsuma Women”s University) “Education for Global Human Resource Development that Accepts and Embraces Diversity: Focusing on the Cultivation of RFCDC Attitudes and Values”



Ohtsuka Kei (Chuo University Suginami High School) “Development and Practice of Generic Teaching Materials in Global Education and Inquiry Activities from a Single Practical Worksheet”



Honda Katsuhisa (Chiba University) “Overseas Educational Practicum Program – An Educational Practicum at a School for Japanese Nationals”


[H] 蕪木絵実・チャン チェオン ジェン(鳥取大学)・鈴木和子(バーモント大学)「オンライン協働学習による主体的な学びの育成―日本とアメリカの大学生の国際協働学習現場からの報告―」

Kaburagi Emi, Chan Cheong Jan (Tottori University), Suzuki Kazuko (University of Vermont)

“Fostering Independent Learning through Online Collaborative Learning: A Report from an

International Collaborative Learning Site of Japanese and American University Students”



Takagi Hiroyuki (Tamagawa University) “Measuring the Effectiveness of Virtual Study Abroad andStudy Abroad Abroad Programs: An Examination of the Relationship between StudentCharacteristics and Academic Achievement”



Kaneko (Fujimoto) Seiko (Toyo University) “An International Service-Learning Perspective on Online English Training in Malaysia: Learning with Buddies and Japanese Students”


[I] 福田昇(松山大学) 「発表重視型英語教育プログラムの試行(The Trial of the Utterance-based English Education Program)」

Fukuda Noboru (Matsuyama University) ”The Trial of the Utterance-based English Education Program”



Murakami Rie, Ota Eri, Goto Naoko (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “Support for Improving Language Skills for Science and Engineering Students”



Miyoshi Tetsuaki (Kansai University of International Studies) “An Attempt to Reconsider Teacher Education from the Perspective of "Agency": Based on a Text Mining Analysis of the Philosophy and Concept of Teacher Education at Universities”


10:40-12:00 異文化対応力育成研究部会企画 2019年度版異文化対応力測定質問紙の調査結果分析:留学期間と留学効果の関係に焦点をあてて(使用言語:日本語)

Research Group for Intercultural Competence Development : Analysis of the results of the 2019 Intercultural Competence Measurement Questionnaire: Focusing on the Relationship between the Length and Effects of Studying Abroad    (Language: Japanese)

司会:  佐々木有紀(佐賀大学)

登壇者1:工藤俊夫 (大阪体育大学)


登壇者3:髙城宏行 (玉川大学)

Moderator: Sasaki Yuki (Saga University)

Speaker 1: Kudo Toshiro (Osaka University of Health and Sport Science)

Speaker 2: Nakaya Chiharu (Meiji University)

Speaker 3: Hakagi Hiroyuki (Tamagawa University)


10:40-12:00 学生トークセッション「VUCA時代を乗り越える!」(使用言語:日本語)

Student Discussion Session「Surviving the VUCA Era!」(Language:Japanese)


Students participating from Kindai University; Hiroshima Shudo University; Hiroshima Bunkyo University; Eikei University of Hiroshima; and the University of Human Environments





 Supporting Companies Presentations

13:00-13:30 総会・学会賞授賞式

General Meeting and JAGCE Awards Ceremony


13:40-15:30 シンポジウム「混迷するグローバル人材育成活動の課題と将来像」(使用言語:日本語)

Symposium "Challenges and a Future Vision of Global Human Resource Development Activities in Times of Confusion” (Language: Japanese)

司会:          服部 圭子(近畿大学)/大膳 司(広島大学)

提案者1        上床 孝樹(愛媛大学附属高校)

提案者2        大六野 耕作(明治大学学長)

提案者3        小林 秀弥(JICA企画部審議役・前JICA四国所長)

コメンテーター1 近藤 佐知彦(大阪大学)

コメンテーター2 隅田 学(愛媛大学)

Moderators: Hattori Keiko(Kindai University)/Daizen Tsukasa(Hiroshima University)

Proponent1  Uwatoko Koki(Ehime University Senior High School)

Proponent2  Dairokuno Kosaku (Meiji University President)

Proponent3   Kobayashi Hideya (Senior Deputy Director General, Operation Strategy Department, JICA HQ/Former Director General, JICA Shikoku Center)

Commentor 1 Kondo Sachihiko(Osaka University)

Commentator 2 Sumida Manabu(Ehime University)


15:30- 閉会行事  小野 博(本学会名誉会長)

Conference Closing  Ono Hiroshi(JAGCE Honorary President)



Video Distribution and General Presentations


[A] 原恵三子(立教大学)「日本における若者のグローバル人材育成教育に関する研究  トビタテ!留学JAPAN (地域人材コース)の事例から」

     Hara Emiko (Rikkyo University)”Research on Global Human Resource Development Education for Young People in Japan; A Case Study from Tobitate! Study Abroad Japan (Regional Human Resources Course)”


[B] 髙見由満子(東京経済大学「オンライン実施した海外インターンシップ科目で何が得られたか」

     Takami Yumiko (Tokyo Keizai University) “What was Gained from an Overseas Internship Course Conducted Online?”



≪大会参加申し込み≫ 10月12日(水)まで ≪締め切りを延長しました≫

申し込みはこちらからお願いします。⇒ https://forms.gle/sENvkSfHPgf1JyRW8

(Conference Participation Application) October 12 Deadline extended.

Please apply through this link. ⇒ https://forms.gle/sENvkSfHPgf1JyRW8



Conference Participation Fees:

■正会員・大学会員・賛助会員:2,000円 ※大学会員及び賛助会員は、参加者ご本人がおひとり


Regular member/University member/ Supporting company member: 2000 yen

(NB: Applications for university and supporting company members are to be made on an individual basis by the person participating.)


Non-members: 3000 yen: Students 1000 yen

■学部生・ 企画に参加する生徒・保護者様:無料

Faculty students and students (and their caregivers) participating in projects are not charged a participation fee.











    学校法人河原学園 人間環境大学


Supporting Companies:

The Institute for International Business Communication

NTS Corporation

Global Eight Institute

Nikkei Media Marketing, Inc.

L-Interface Corporation

Global Click K.K.

Asahi Press Inc.

Westgate Corporation

Kirihara Shoten K.K.

University of Human Environments



大会委員長       大膳司(理事・広島大学)       

実行委員長       番田清美(理事・人間環境大学)     

副実行委員長      隅田学(愛媛大学)           

実行委員        中澤加代(四国学院大学)       

実行委員        岩下康子(広島文教大学)        

実行委員        南部匡彦(四国大学)          

実行委員        三上貴教(広島修道大学)       

実行委員        上杉裕子(叡啓大学)          

実行委員        福田昇(松山大学)           

実行委員        井内千紗(理事・拓殖大学)      

実行委員        デイビット・エックフォード(近畿大学)   

実行委員        小川正人(環太平洋大学)       

理事長         大六野耕作(理事・明治大学)

会長          アーナンダ・クマーラ(理事・LNBT/名城大学)

副会長         内田富男(理事・明星大学)       

副会長         原隆幸(理事・鹿児島大学)       

副会長         服部圭子(理事・近畿大学)      

常任理事        宮内ミナミ(理事・産業能率大学)    

国際交流委員長     園部ニコル(理事・西九州大学)         

教育連携部会長     奥山則和(理事・桐蔭学園)       

異文化対応力育成部会長 佐々木有紀(理事・佐賀大学)    


Conference Organizing Committee

Committee Chairperson       Daizen Tsukasa(Director・Hiroshim University)        

Executive Committee Chairperson   Banda Kiyomi(Director・University of Human Environments)     

Vice-executive Chairperson      Sumida Manabu (Aichi University)           

Executive Committee        Nakazawa Kayo(Shikoku Gakuin University)        

Executive Committee        Iwashita Yasuko(Hirshima Bunkyo University)        

Executive Committee         Nambu Tadahiko(Shikoku University)          

Executive Committee        Mikami Takanori(Hiroshima Shudo University)        

Executive Committee         Uesugi Yuko(Eikei University of Hiroshima)          

Executive Committee         Fukuda Noboru(Matsuyama University)           

Executive Committee        Inouchi Chisa(Director・Takushoku University)       

Executive Committee        David Eckford(Kinki University)   

Executive Committee        Ogawa Masato(International Pacific University)        


Chairperson of the Board      Dairokuno Kosaku(Director・Meiji University)

President                Ananda Kumara(Director・LNBT/Meijo University)

Vice-president           Uchida Tomio(Director・Meisei University)       

Vice-president           Hara Takayuki(Director・Kagoshima University)       

Vice-president           Hattori Keiko(Director・Kindai University)       

Permanent Director         Miyauchi Minami(Director・Sanno University)    

President of Global Collaboration Committee   Nicole Sonobe(Director・Nishikyushu University)         

President of SIG on Educational Interworking    Okuyama Norikazu(Director・Toin Gakuen)       

President of Intercultural Competence Development Department Sasaki Yuki(Director・Saga University)      



(Contact Information) JAGCE                   https://j-agce.org/contaform/



The 10th National Commemorative Conference and 3rd International WEB Conference



Information on the conference venue, accommodation, and other information related to the conference will be posted here. We will continue to update this page, so please refer to this page.